Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dave Kehr-Great Film Critic

If you like old movies, you need to read Dave Kehr's DVD Review column that appears every Tuesday in The New York Times. Kehr's a very insightful film critic who doesn't try to be arch or funny, he just has a knack for describing films very well. Kehr keeps the focus on the films, not on himself. And Kehr actually likes movies, unlike say, David Denby of The New Yorker, who seems to hate everything he sees. (Carrying on the fine tradition of Pauline Kael, who never met a film she liked.) Well, I do exaggerate, Denby did like Capote. (I almost fell off my chair when I read that review!) Kehr is great on old movies, he wrote a really great column a couple of months ago about a variety of Westerns from the 40's and 50's. It made me want to see all of those movies. His column this week is about a new boxed set of Errol Flynn's Westerns.

Good movie reviews are hard to come by, so check out Dave Kehr's column, and his website at


  1. This column makes me laugh -- ot goes on and on about the films you should see, then at the end are tiny blurbs about the films that, despite Kehr's best efforts, most people will buy instead. I'm as guilty as anyone, I'm afraid.

  2. Yes, that is true, it's funny seeing stills of old movies, Italian art films, and then a huge picture of "The Dark Knight." Oh well, whatever gets people watching good movies...
